- Amorphoscelinae
- Amorphoscelis
- Bolivaroscelis
- Caudatoscelis
- Gigliotoscelis simulans
- Maculatoscelis
- Paraoxypilinae
- Cliomantis
- Exparoxypilus africanus
- Gyromantis
- Metoxypilus
- Myrmecomantis atra
- Nesoxypilus
- Paraoxypilus
- Phthersigena
- Perlamantinae
- Paramorphoscelis gondokorensis
- Perlamantis
- Amorphoscelites sharovi
(Lower Cretaceous of Siberia)
Beier, M. 1964. Blattopteroidea Mantodea. Pages 829-970 in Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs 5.
Beier, M. 1968. 12. Ordnung Mantodea (Fangheuschrecken). Pages 1-47 in Handbuch der Zoologie 4(2) 2/12. J.-G. Helmcke, D. Starck, and H. Wermuth, eds. de Gruyter, Berlin.
Ehrmann, R. 2002. Mantodea: Gottesanbeterinnen der Welt. Natur und Tier, Münster.
Gratschev, V. G. and V. V. Zherikhin. 1993. New fossil mantids (Insecta, Mantida [sic]). Paleontological Journal 27(1A):148-165.
Information on the Internet
- The Amorphoscelidid Praying Mantises of South Africa. Compiled by Alfred P. Kaltenbach, Naturhistorisches Museum in Wien.
Title Illustrations

Reference | E. Giglio-Tos. 1913. Orthoptera. Fam. Mantidae. Subfam. Perlamantinae. Genera Insectorum de P. Wytsman 144:1-13 |
Sex | Female |
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