Archon bostanchii
Vazrick NazariIntroduction
A. bostanchii was originally described as a subspecies of A. apollinaris. Further studies, however, provided evidence of a deep divergence at the species level with both A. apollinaris and A. apollinus (Carbonell and Michel, 2007; Nazari and Sperling, 2007).
A. bostanchii (Type locality: Pol-e-Dokhtar, Lorestan, Iran) is endemic to western Iran, and has a small population with larvae living on Aristolochia olivieri.
Carbonell, F. and Michel, M., 2007. Une espèce jumelle méconnue du genre Archon Hübner, 1822 (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae). Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 112 (2), 2007 : 141-150.
De Freina, J. J., Naderi, A.R., 2003. Beschreibung einer neuen Unterart von Archon apollinaris (Staudinger, (1892) aus dem suedwestlichen Zentral Zagros, bostanchii subspec. nov., mit ergaenzenden Angaben zur Gesamtverbreitung der Art (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae, Parnassiini). Atalanta (Marktlruthen) 34: 429-434, 474-477.
Nazari, V. and Sperling, F.A.H., 2007. Mitochondrial DNA divergence and phylogrography in western palaearctic Parnassiinae (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae): How many species are there? Insect Systematics and Evolution, 38(2): 121-138.
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Vazrick Nazari
Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids and Nematodes, Ottawa, Canada
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Page: Tree of Life
Archon bostanchii
Authored by
. Vazrick Nazari.
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- First online 12 March 2008
- Content changed 12 March 2008
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Nazari, Vazrick. 2008. Archon bostanchii in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Version 12 March 2008 (under construction).