- Fraus
- Gazoryctra
- Afrotheora
- Antihepialus
- Hepialidae s. str.
- Bipectilus
- Abantiades
- Palpifer
- Eudalaca
- Gorgopis
- Matahepialus
- Dalaca
- Callipielus
- Blanchardinella venosus
- Calada
- Puermytrans chilensis
- Parapielus
- Andeabatis chilensis
- Druceiella
- Trichophassus giganteus
- Phassus
- Schausiana trojesa
- Aplatissa
- Pfitzneriana
- Cibyra
- Phialuse palmar
- Roseala bourgognei
- Dalaca auctt. nec Walker 1856
- Pfitzneriella
- Aoraia
- Triodia
- Korscheltellus
- Pharmacis
- Thitarodes
- Phymatopus
- Phymatopus auctt. nec Wallengren 1869
- Hepialus humuli
- Zenophassus schamyl
- Sthenopis
- Sthenopis auctt. nec Packard 1865
- Endoclita
- Neohepialiscus algeriensis
- Elhamma
- Jeana
- Cladoxycanus minos
- Wiseana
- Heloxycanus patricki
- Dumbletonius
- Dioxycanus
- Napialus
- Hepialiscus
- Parahepialiscus borneensis
- Xhoaphryx lemeei
- Aenetus
- Leto venus
- Zelotypia stacyi
- Oncopera
- Trictena
- Bordaia
- Oxycanus
- Phassodes vitienis
Nielsen, E. S., G. S. Robinson, D. L. Wagner. 2000. Ghost-moths of the world: a global inventory and bibliography of the Exoporia (Mnesarchaeoidea and Hepialoidea) (Lepidoptera). Journal of Natural History 34 (6):823-878.
Simonsen, T. J. 2002. Wing Scale Covering Supports Close Relationship between Callipielus and Dalaca, Austral South American Ghost Moths (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae). Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 37(1):65 - 69.
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | Hepialus virescens |
Location | New Zealand |
Reference | G. V. Hudson. 1928. The Butterflies and Moths of New Zealand. Ferguson & Osborn Ltd., Wellington |
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Tree of Life Web Project. 2003. Hepialidae. Version 01 January 2003 (temporary). http://tolweb.org/Hepialidae/11884/2003.01.01 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/