Prodoxus y-inversus
Olle PellmyrAdult Characteristics
Wing expanse 11-16 mm. Forewing near white with dark brown bands transecting the wing; bands lighter in the male. The bands form a diagnostic inversed Y in the outer portion of the wing. Hindwing pale brown.
Host, Oviposition, and Larval Feeding Habits
The species is reported from Yucca baccata and Y. schottii (Agavaceae). In both cases, the larva feeds in a gallery inside the fruit, and it eventually creates a hardened pupation gallery. Fruits with many larvae become hardened in their entirety and can remain intact for long periods of time.
Geographic Distribution
Reported only from southwestern New Mexico, southeastern Arizona and southern Nevada.Habitat
In shrubby desert and open forest with a host.

Shrubby desert with Y. baccata; Dona Ana Co., New Mexico.
Davis, D.R. 1967. A revision of the moths of the subfamily Prodoxinae (Lepidoptera: Incurvariidae). U.S. Nat. Hist. Mus., Bull. 255:1-170. Smiths. Contrib. Zool. 524:1-88.
Powell, J.A. 1984. Biological interrelationships of moths and Yucca schottii. Univ. Calif. Publ. Entomol. 100:1-93.
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | Prodoxus y-inversus |
Location | Dona Ana Co., New Mexico, USA |
Specimen Condition | Dead Specimen |
Sex | Female |
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University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, USA
Page copyright © 1996
Page: Tree of Life
Prodoxus y-inversus
Authored by
. Olle Pellmyr.
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Pellmyr, Olle. 1996. Prodoxus y-inversus in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Version 01 January 1996 (under construction).