Mnium marginatum (Atrichum interlaced). © 2006 Robert Svensson
Mnium marginatum will be detailed on this page. The photograph above is shot in habitat of the species where the gray arrows show M. marginatum in the shadow of another bryophyte. The spore capsule belongs to the specimen. Mnium marginatum = Mnium serratum.

Mnium marginatum. © 2006 Robert Svensson
Properties for the specimen
- grows on soil that holds water and minerals
- grows in shade (of other plants or inanimate objects)
- leaves in a bouquet around the stem
- the gametophyte bouquet is about 12 mm in height
- leaf as a “flint spearhead” leaf doesn’t have ripples, leaf 4.5 X 1.8 mm
- leaf have a nerve from stem to tip
- leaf edge have single teeth in the upper half
- leaf edge teeth are symmetrical on both sides of nerve
- leaf edge is consisted of elongated cells
- sporophyte exceeds about 20 mm above gametophyte
- sporophyte capsule is about 3 mm in length
- sporophyte has its beginning in the end of gametophyte
- leaf main cells as polygons in circle
- leaf is very sensitive of moist humidity

Mnium marginatum. © 2006 Robert Svensson
Photograph above depicts the leaf from specimen in microscope at 40X

Mnium marginatum. © 2006 Robert Svensson
Photograph above depicts the teeth and edge of leaf from specimen in microscope at 400X

Mnium marginatum. © 2006 Robert Svensson
Photograph above depicts the main cell structure of leaf from specimen in microscope at 400X